Key Information

Key Information List


The Learning Support department focuses on the identification and support of students who have learning  needs of all sorts, from difficulties with learning and cognition, through to medical issues. 

The team is led by our very experienced Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCO) Miss Everritt. We have a Higher Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA), as well as a team of Learning Support Assistants who support students in a variety of lessons, with a focus on those with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP). 

A small number of students have individual or small group tuition but most support takes place in the classroom, helping students to complete the work set for their class.

The SENDCO is always happy to meet with you to discuss your child's needs in order to support them fully during their time with us.


Key Roles and Responsibilities


The SENDCO has day-to-day responsibility for the operation of SEND policy and co-ordination of specific provision made to support individual students with SEND, including those who have EHC plans. Part of the role of the SENDCO is to co-ordinate arrangements with the class teachers/tutors/year leaders regarding those students with SEN and disabilities.The SENDCO liaises directly with the Headteacher regarding the welfare of all students with SEN/ Disability

Our SENDCO is: 

The Deputy SENDCOs are:

The SEND Governor is:

  • Mrs S Stathers

The SEND Administrator is:

The Learning Support Assistant Team are:                             

  • Miss J Barraud
  • Mrs L Bearham
  • Mr F Castell
  • Miss H Curran
  • Mrs J Dann (HLTA)
  • Mrs J Le Marchant
  • Mrs G McBride
  • Miss K Palmer
  • Ms H Smith
  • Ms M Straw
  • Miss H Wardill
  • Mrs A Welch
  • Mrs F Zakaria

The Designated Safeguarding Lead with specific Safeguarding responsibility is

The member of staff responsible for managing Pupil Premium is:

The member of staff responsible for managing Looked After Child funding is:

The staff responsible for meeting the medical needs of students are: