Young Carers

Our Welfare Team offer support and guidance to all the young carers in our school community.  Our Young Carer Champion is Gemma Fry and she can be contacted via email.

Miss Fry is always on hand to answer any questions you may have about Young Carer Support. The Welfare Department also offer lots of support group opportunities and activities specifically aimed at young carers, such as:

  • Weekly young carer lunch clubs with games and fun activities
  • Larger half-termly activities
  • Trips specifically for young carers
  • Young carer drop-in times at the welfare office and support around welfare and learning

The Welfare team work alongside our Year Leaders supporting students transitioning to Woolmer Hill in Year 7 as well as with our Year 10 and Year 11 students transitioning on to college and other onward paths.

As a school we offer whole staff training on young carer awareness as well as PSHE lessons and assemblies for students, this includes the support and promotion of Young Carer Week.

At Woolmer Hill School we believe strongly that young carers need particular support and a nurturing framework and network to assist them with their additional responsibilities. We hold the Young Carer Angel Award, given by Surrey Young Carers to show we are a young carer friendly school. 


Angel Award Badge for Websites



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