Safeguarding, Wellbeing & online safety


All staff at our school take the safeguarding of children very seriously.

All staff have been trained in safeguarding and child protection.

If a child is worried about themselves, another student or friend, their family, bullying, online safety, feeling scared, or they just need someone to listen to then they can:

Outside of school, they can call:

9am to 5pm on Monday to Friday 

Phone: 0300 470 9100

For people with hearing or speech impairments:Text line: 07527 182861

Sign Language Video Relay Service

During evenings, weekends and bank holidays, the Emergency Duty Team is available:

 Phone: 01483 517898
  • Surrey Police (non-emergency) 101 // If you are in immediate danger call 999

We take Online Safety very seriously at Woolmer Hill and hold regular parental and student evenings and assemblies. Please contact the front office or email for information on when the next one is due to be held.

Please click here to view Mr Barraud’s ‘Keeping Children Safe Online’ video from earlier this year.  

Please click here to read an interesting blog about balancing screen time for teen.

Please click here to read our Online Safety Booklet.


The use of online tools and resources are now routine within education and within school. There is also an expectation that pupils will complete at least some of their work online. Within school steps are taken to minimise inadvertent or inappropriate use of the internet or of electronic communications. Our internal precautions include:

  • An Online Safety course taught as the first element of the Year 7 Computing curriculum
  • Updates during Computing lessons in Years 8 and 9 on this theme
  • Regular assemblies in all year groups about e-safety
  • The use of a highly secure ‘walled garden’ for online work managed by our service provider
  • Our own internal filtering, proxy server and firewall

There are some links below to advice about using the internet at home. We promote the use of online tools and resources, however there are some important safeguards that we advise parents to consider. They include:

  • Locating the family computer in a public place, preferably downstairs
  • Not allowing laptops (and even mobile phones) in bedrooms
  • Having clear rules about ‘offline’ time, for instance a time in the evening when phones and computers are turned off
  • Using software designed to restrict access to programmes and websites
Child Protection Website

Click here to visit the Child Exploitation and Online Protection CEOP Centre Website

CEOP helps keep children and young people safe from sexual abuse and grooming online. They help thousands of children and young people every year, as well as their parents and carers.

They can help and give you advice, and you can make a report directly to them if something has happened online which has made you feel unsafe, scared or worried. This might be from someone you know in real life, or someone you have only ever met online.

Click here to visit CEOP's Thinkuknow Website.

To make a report click on the grey tab button above.

You can read our Online Safety Policy by clicking here


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